
Monday, June 21, 2010

Super Summer Lollies

Summer is here finally and nothing can beat the heat than a really nice chilled smoothie or these fancy lollies that you could whip up in minutes. Give it a try with other fruits although I love the Mango and strawberry versions. Mascarpone gives the lollies a smooth & and creamy  ice-cream like texture.
Ingredients (Yields 6 lollies and a glass of smoothie)
Handful of fresh strawberries or 1 Fresh Mango or 1/2 a can Mango Puree
Mascarpone 4-5 tbsp 
Milk 250ml
Vanilla Extract 1tsp
Sugar as per taste
Blend everything together in a blender and pour into lolly molds and freeze for 4-5 hrs or just chill this and drink it as a yummy smoothie.

1 comment:

  1. I so glad we now have a wee bit of good weather ...
    Hmm i wasnt at the FBC although i wud have loved to be there..had some work to tend to and couldnt make it..hopefully next year il make it :)
