
Thursday, July 22, 2010

Strawberry-Balsamic Vinegar-Yoghurt Lollies

Just when the sudden rains shook my idea of perfect summer...rains haven't yet dampened my spirits. Nothing like frozen fruit lollies in summertime! With more than 7 cartons of delicious, thick, creamy Total Greek Yoghurt I received to sample last week sitting in my was time for yet another flavour super summer lollies. Having tried all the possible flavours like raspberry-avocado-mascarpone, mango-cardamom mascarpone, mango yoghurt to name a few, I tried the deadly combo of strawberry-balsamic. You really need good aged balsamic vinegar to make this. There is something unexplainable that happens to the strawberries when tossed in balsamic vinegar. It's as if the berries come to life...bursting with flavours. The Total Greek yoghurt was pretty thick, allowing me to skip the step of draining the yoghurt overnight as I would normally do.
Ingredients: (makes 6 lollies)
Strawberry - 1 cup
Aged Balsamic Vinegar - Just slosh a little into a bowl
(Total Greek)Yoghurt - 1cup
Sugar to taste
Vanilla Extract - 1 tsp
Toss the sliced berries in balsamic vinegar and set aside for 30 min. Puree the mixture with sugar, extract and yoghurt in a processor and pour into the lolly moulds. Freeze for 2-3 hours.


  1. I love your pictures!!! And these pops look delicious and icy and sound very adult! Perfect!

  2. Wish I could send you these adult pops to Florida now...

  3. that looks so refreshing! i love the balsami here! i bet it was sweet, tangy and gorgeous.

  4. Love the strawberry balsamic combination!!! and gorgeous photos of the popsicles!

  5. Thanks Sala, Asha..Wish you were here to try them..they were yummy!
