
Monday, August 09, 2010

Secret Agent Role,Gluten Free - Vegan Cupcakes + A Birthday Cake

Making Birthday cakes always make me happy. And playing a secret agent...even better...Okay let me was a dear friend's birthday last week and I was supposed to make the cake secretly. To do this I had to first of all discuss the micro details with her daughter (who shares the same passion for baking like me) without her mum getting a hint, then I get a SMS from her on the Dday 'Dont text Mum happy bday coz she doesnt know that U know, then she'l know U'l make a cake'. I soon realized there are other friends I had discussed this with and had to text everyone the first thing to make sure this still remains a secret...phew...There is so much more I had to do to make sure all this was hush hush...but enough of the details for now...back to the cakes. I made a Chocolate-Hazelnut-Raspberry cake and frosted it with plain Vanilla-Mascarpone cream finished with a sprinkling of Vanilla-White Chocolate shavings. She likes simple cakes, so I skipped frosting the sides. For her daughter who is a vegan I made the egg-less Chocolate-Hazelnut-Banana cupcakes using Hazelnut Powder, Quinoa Powder and Brown Rice Flour making it gluten-free as well. I frosted it with Soy cream and Nutella (which is now becoming an obsession of mine..)
Verdict: Both the cakes were deliciously moist and very chocolatey..raspberries and banana kept them really moist. I personally liked the raspberry version..somehow the tartness of the berries complement the chocolate. And the cakes went down a treat.
Do email me if you need the recipe as I am not posting it as yet.

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