
Friday, September 17, 2010

Chocolate Chilli Macs for MAC Attack #11 - Long ago and far away

Living far away from home and  relatives means visiting them in summer breaks. So year after year we would go and visit mum's and dad's family, have a blast with my cousins, nieces and nephews. Indian Summer means gorgeous mangoes = my despicable confession = climbing trees with cousins and stealing from neighbour's trees, even if there are a decent amount in our home. There is something about stolen mangoes! 
Amidst all this  family meeting and greeting there is always a little sweet something involved and to our  delight, it mostly was chocolates. Back then, the only ones we grew up eating in India were milk chocolates by Cadbury's or Nestle. Obviously now I have a matured taste and love dark chocolates and exotic brands. 
This month's Mac Attack challenge was to create a Mac inspired by a childhood summer memory. My memories of childhood summer are of hot Indian summers, luscious juicy mangoes, climbing trees, falling-off trees, street food, Indian ice-creams, spicy curries and loads of chocolate. So here I present to you my Chocolate Chilli Macaroons with a Choc-Chilli Ganache no feet but still fabulous. Have found feet before but something about the weather here :-(.
Chocolate Chilli Macaroons
Ingredients (adapted slightly from David Lebovitz recipe)
Egg Whites 30 grms
Caster Sugar 20 grms
Powdered Sugar 55 grams
Ground Almonds 30 grams
Cocoa 2 tsp
Chilli Flakes 1 tsp
Preheat oven to 140C. Blitz the powdered sugar, almond powder and cocoa for a minute in a processor. Whisk the whites until frothy and add the cream of tarter, granulated sugar a tbsp at a time until peaks form. If you invert the bowl the peaks should not slide down the bowl. Fold in the almond-cocoa-sugar mixture in three goes breaking the mass and gently folding. Fill a piping bag with this mixture and pipe small rounds onto a parchment paper. Sprinkle the chilli flakes on top. Let it sit to form a skin for at least 1 hour. Bake for about 12-15 minutes, let slightly cool and transfer to a wire rack.
Chocolate Chilli Ganache
Lindt Chocolate with Chilli - 50 grams broken into pieces
Heavy Cream 3-4 tbsp
Heat the cream and pour it over the chocolate and whisk. Let it cool before piping onto macaroon shells. 


  1. These macs may have no feet but they look scrumptious! Like brownies! Love the chocolate chili as much as I love the Indian summer memories! No feet? No problem - I'll take two.. or three... Yum! Thanks for baking with us honey bunch!

  2. Oh Jamie..I love this challenge and Im glad to be a part of it!

  3. Yes, we share a connect with stolen mangoes and stolen memories! With two or three gone, I'd better grab a couple too. I love the deep colour and the gorgeous pairing. Yay you ... I love them, feet or feetless!

  4. Great memories, I still enjoy a Cadbury or Nestle Bar every now and then. Is it the humidity that's a problem, I'm wondering how I will go in summer?

  5. Oh- nice flavor profile. Sounds delish and feet or no feet, they still taste great.

  6. I'd love to try the flavor combination of your macarons! Chocolate with a kick:)

  7. Mmm chocolatey goodness with a little kick of flavor. They look delicious.

  8. These sound delicious. Who cares about feet when the chocolate flavor with the chili sounds so good? Not I. I'll take two please.

  9. Bonnie Thanks so much..they were absolutely fab to eat ;-)
