
Monday, December 20, 2010

Coffee Macarons

I got on my "Feet" again!I Whipped up these babies in 10 minutes flat...Whisked the aged whites with cream of tartar and (egg) whites powder. Blended the almonds ,icing sugar and ground coffee together. Folded them in whites and piped onto baking sheet (without a template). Once baked and cooled piped some chocolate ganache and sandwiched them. Perfect to be served with coffee after dinner.


  1. Macaroons look so cute. Amazing pictures..

  2. Don't you just love it when your macarons grow big "feet"? My husband says I'm crazy sitting in front of the window of my oven watching, hoping and waiting until the "feet" grow right before my eyes. Such an exciting moment in life, huh? Ha ha. Cheers to more macaron-making successes in the new year and beyond.

  3. Love is right up my street & I think you are a pro now! Whipped up in 10 minutes? WOW!!
