
Thursday, March 31, 2011

And the Giveaway Winner is...

I made these very boozy truffles with my friend & dearest neighbour Neelu...she is not that into baking or desserts but was very keen to make these boozy truffles for some reason ;-) After much argument on the flavours we settled for Champagne, Lemon-Limoncello & Strawberry-Cardamom(cant believe she hates cardamom and it took a while to convince her). 
For The Truffles
Dark Chocolate 250g
Heavy Cream 125ml
Butter 2tbsp
Egg Yolks 2
Make a ganache by warming cream and add the chopped chocolate and stir till smooth. Slowly add the butter & yolks and stir.
For the Champagne Truffles - add a 1/4 cup of good champagne to the mixture. Chill it preferably overnight and next day using a melon scooper scoop out the truffles. Roll them in Cocoa or Icing sugar.
For the Strawberry-Cardamom Truffles - Add a couple of pods of cardamom while warming the cream and strain. Add 2tbsp of Creme de Fraise. Chill it preferably overnight and next day using a melon scooper scoop out the truffles. Roll them in Cocoa or Icing sugar & some freeze dried raspberry powder.
For the Lemon-Limoncello Truffles - Add grated zest of lemon and 3 tbsp of limoncello to the ganache.Chill it preferably overnight and next day using a melon scooper scoop out the truffles. Roll them in Cocoa or Icing sugar.

OOPS...Before I forget, the winner of "Macarons: Authentic French Cookie Recipes from the Macaron Cafe" by Cecile Cannone is...Renata of Testado, Provado e Aprovado! (The winner has been picked by Please e-mail me (DebugcookingATgmailDOTcom) your snail-address so that I can send the book to you. A massive thanks to those who took the effort take part in this give-away and have left your precious comments.
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  1. Thank you Arthi :) You made my day :)

  2. Great stuff!

    Just a thought... may be telling your readers how long each recipe takes could help.

  3. Thnx all..will try to include making time for all the dishes BKEnergy;-)

  4. These truffles sound delicious, Arthi!
    i'm so happy to have won the giveaway! I'll finally craft my own macarons! ;)
    Thank you so much!!

  5. I would love to see you bake interesting macarons Renata...congrats!
