
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Domino’s New Reggae Reggae Pizza

As the weather warms up & we have such gorgeous sunny long days, one thing you love doing is entertain friends & family. Lazying around the back garden with friends & balancing bottles of beer & home-made/takeaway food in your hands (to avoid frequent trips inside the house) is a common sight. You can hear them yell schroooederrr! (after unintentionally spillingbeer or knocking of something) hear the continues giggles, the unlimited swears in every neighbours home. Sometimes it makes you feel why summer doesn't last forever!
This week we religiously gathered at a friends place on Thursday night (yes weekend started a wee bit early for us) for some food, beer & games. So we ended up ordering the new pre-launch veggie version called the Veggae Veggae pizza with Levi Root’s Reggae sauce. We ordered the pizza for a special price of just £9.99 through the Facebook page.
Made using Levi’s famous Reggae Reggae sauce, Domino’s new pizza creates a taste of the Caribbean with roast chicken, tomatoes, green peppers, pineapple and 100% mozzarella cheese. A vegetarian version of the pizza is available with sweetcorn and it can also be purchased as one of Domino’s oven-baked subs. 

The Reggae Reggae pizza can be ordered officially via 'pizza delivery expert’ from Monday 11th April at normal prices.

Verdict: The ordering bit was quite straight forward: Click on the facebook page, takes you to dominos site & order as usual. The pizzas arrived just as we started to feel hungry. So the timing was just about perfect...three cheers for the timing!! 
Ok lets take 'Me', 'S' & 'N': We were not really mad about the Reggae Reggae sauce as it made the pizza very sweet. I would have loved a sprinkle of chilli flakes or heat in some form as the pineapple makes the pizza even sweeter.
Next 'R' & 'A': Surprisingly they absolutely loved the pizza with the sweet Reggae Reggae sauce and packed the leftovers for next day's lunch.
Will we order the Reggae Reggae pizza again? Yes, will definitely try it with maybe some jalapeño or chilli.

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