
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Topless Chocolate Macaroon Tart for Monthly Mingle

Past few weeks have been incredible here in Britain with longer bright and sunny days. It promises me more lazy days sunbathing in parks/beaches, quenching thirst by downing chilled beer and yes also enjoying the very best of summer fruits. Last week we had an amazing beach trip near Wales (finally I could get my super short shorts out and flaunt!).
I have gone for perfect summer "topless chocolate macaroon tart", daring and bearing it all; nothing covering its modesty. I am sending this chocolate macaroon tart to Jeanne of cooksister, who is hosting the "Topless Tarts" monthly mingle this month
I have made a simple chocolate tart shell using some plain flour & coconut flour (sent to me by healthy supplies) and made a macaroon filling with shredded coconut & fresh berries.
Chocolate Macaroon Tart
For the chocolate shell
100g plain flour
50g coconut flour
30g cocoa
120g cold butter, cubed
30g sugar
2 large yolks
Whizz the flour,sugar & cocoa along with butter in a processor untill it forms a rubble. Add the yolks and pulse until the dough comes together. Press into a ball, flatten & chill for 1 hour. Roll out the chilled dough between two cling sheets and line a round tart tin. Patch up with remaining dough if it tears while lining the form. Trim the sides. Pop it into the freezer for 10 minutes while you preheat the oven to 180C. Line the tart case with parchment & cover with any dry beans or ceramic beans. Blind bake the tart for 15-20 minutes. Remove & let it cool a bit.
For the Macaroon filling (adapted from Super Natural Everyday by Heidi Swanson)
140g unsweetened finely shredded coconut
70g natural cane sugar
4 large egg whites
100g fresh blackberries
100g fresh raspberries
1tsp cardamon powder
Blend the coconut,cardamom powder, sugar along with the whites in a bowl. Spread it evenly on the cooled tart shell. Dot the fresh berries all over and slightly push them into the macaroon batter. Bake for about 20-25 minutes or until golden.

In other news: I am all set to travel to Weimar, Germany next month for the plate2page workshop. With the tickets booked, all I am left to do is some shopping and then hopefully some "light" packing. It will be very intensive 3 days with Writing, Styling & Photograpy sessions.

Before I sign off: I have to mention this incredible deli "BELLA-ITALIA" we had been to while we were at friends in Feltham road. Run by a very friendly Italian chap - Nick – a thoroughly genuine Italian – BELLA-ITALIA is probably the only place in the UK that sources and imports truffles and their wonderful by-products, direct from the Abruzzo region of Italy.
BELLA-ITALIA is also a genuine, traditional Italian delicatessen and coffee bar, which offers a wide range of delicious pastas, meats and cheeses. Their hams include San Daniele, Parma (of course) and Prosciutto Crudo. They also have Milano, Napoli, Mortadella and Ventricina salamis, while Parmiggiano Reggiano, Grana Padano, Gorgonzola, Dolcelatte, Pecorino and Provolone are among the many cheeses on display. They have a very tempting array of panini, focaccia and baguettes, biscuits, desserts, and superb coffee!
Every week, Nick makes fresh pastas and pasta sauces, so ravioli, tortellini and gnocchi are often on the menu. In the chiller cabinet, you’ll find fresh spiced sausages, homemade garlic butter and even luxurious truffle products from the Abruzzo region of central Italy (where Nick is from).
I got back with a big supply of Wafers alla nocciola Balocco, Bella Italia garlic spread, Gorgeous Pecorino, Nick's fresh pastas. My must go to shop for all my Italian grocery.  
For breakfast or lunch orders :TEL:01784 253 968
ADDRESS:123 Feltham Road Ashford Middlesex TW15 1AB


  1. Looks good. Have fun in Deutschland.

  2. Oh my word that looks good... Roll on summer and more dishes like this!!

  3. I've been a fan of 101 cookbooks for a long time - lovely to see how you've adapted this gorgeous, pretty tart.
