Wednesday, November 09, 2011

100 SoulCurry posts = Birth of WithAPinchOfSalt and a Gift

Hurray! I have written a jolly hundred posts. When I started this blog, I had absolutely no idea what was in store for me. But I think it’s one of the best things I have done in my life.  Through this blog, I have found so many wonderful, talented people and have learned & progressed so much. It has all been a very enriching experience. Thanks to each and every one of you!
So to celebrate this, S got me this gorgeous baby (flown all the way from US by a dear friend). 
Also, I have started a new blog WithAPinchOfSalt, where I will be posting everyday-simple-to-make-on-a-budget recipes. I hope to receive the same kind of love & audience for my new blog.


Simones Kitchen said...

Congratulations Arti! Pretty impressive to be at a 100 and that kitchen aid is pretty impressive too!

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

Congratulations on 100 posts! And good luck with the new site! xx

Ishay said...

Congrats love!! What a pretty baby indeed. Her older sister is in Cape Town..have same colour. three cheers to your 100 and to your new blog!

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