So it is my one year blog anniversary. Yes, my very first post ‘Tiramisu’ was last year on the 17th of March 2010. I can't believe how fast the year has passed. It has been a very mad & rewarding year and I loved sharing my baking experiences & disasters with all of you. It is still hard to believe that there are so many of you who are commenting and reading my blog and the wonderful comments have kept me going. I have been inspired by many beautiful blogs out there and had no idea that my blog could be interesting to others and not just me!
I am thankful all the comments made on the various posts over the past year. Your feedback and ideas are ever so important to me Thanks to each and every one of YOU.
It's been an incredible year. What started off as a way to archive my recipes has grown into an incredible platform for me. I have learned so many things through this blog and absolutely love the challenges I take up. I have met some fantastic bloggers, writers, authors, and food photographers.
I am absolutely proud of what I have achieved, Daring Bakers, Mactweets, couple of reviews I've been asked to do and of course, I have been offered to participate in two TV shows (competition) where I met my favorites. I loved the all the comments that Mary Berry, Ed Baines and John Burton Race gave me. One of them thought I am a pastry chef when I am just an amateur bakerJ
Due to contractual obligations I won’t be able to give out the show names until they are aired).I was told I got through out of some 2000 odd applications for these shows. I am also happy that my recipes were published in an e-cookbook. (http://www.vitalifematcha.com/)
This year produced 65 posts including the product reviews, book reviews, daring bakers challenges and Mactweets. The total views this year has been 12000.
I thank all my friends found through this blog, Twitter, my loyal friends who are my official guinea pigs and my darling S for making my blog a great space.
It's been an incredible year. What started off as a way to archive my recipes has grown into an incredible platform for me. I have learned so many things through this blog and absolutely love the challenges I take up. I have met some fantastic bloggers, writers, authors, and food photographers.
I am absolutely proud of what I have achieved, Daring Bakers, Mactweets, couple of reviews I've been asked to do and of course, I have been offered to participate in two TV shows (competition) where I met my favorites. I loved the all the comments that Mary Berry, Ed Baines and John Burton Race gave me. One of them thought I am a pastry chef when I am just an amateur bakerJ
Due to contractual obligations I won’t be able to give out the show names until they are aired).I was told I got through out of some 2000 odd applications for these shows. I am also happy that my recipes were published in an e-cookbook. (http://www.vitalifematcha.com/)
This year produced 65 posts including the product reviews, book reviews, daring bakers challenges and Mactweets. The total views this year has been 12000.
I thank all my friends found through this blog, Twitter, my loyal friends who are my official guinea pigs and my darling S for making my blog a great space.
I am giving away this fantastic cookbook "Macarons: Authentic French Cookie Recipes from the Macaron Cafe" by Cecile Cannone to celebrate this grand day. A winner will be picked at random by entering the names in random.org. If you would like to win it , please leave a comment in this post before the 30th of March 12 midnight GMT and and I will announce the winner in the following post.
For the Tiramisu recipe go here
Congratulations on your first blog anniversary, Arthi. What a year it was for you! So many new things and achievements! I'm so happy for you. xx
Arti......That book's mine.... ;)
Hi Arthi, It has been a fascinating experience to follow your blog! Happy 1st Blog Anniversary and Best Wishes for many more interesting and rewarding years ahead!
Thanks for doing this giveaway! :) If I win, my email is grig at gmx dot com
*crosses fingers*
Hey, happy first anniversary!
Many happy returns! :)
Congratulations, darling, and it has been wonderful getting to know you and watching your blog grow. Your photos are as beautiful as your food looks so delicious and creative. Can't wait to meet you in person! So soon!
Thanx so much Jamie...you have been such an inspiration to me!cant wait to see you in May;-)
aww congrats arthi...may you come up with many more dashing posts and pretty photographs.
i love that black board btw..so darn cute.
Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! :)
Congratulations, keep on your great work & posting fantastic recipes!
Of course I would love that book as I have a passion for making macarons :)
What a lovely time to reach out to your space..happy anniversary and here is wishing you many more of such feats to celebrate!
Came here following the Tweet and am loving it :)
Lite Bite
Congratulations lovely! So great to see all your hard work pay off. Onwards and upwards! xx
What an absolutely special milestone my dear, and celebrated with flavours I love best!! Delicious tiramisu, gorgeous feet {you are a mac-pro now}, and a grand giveaway. Now I'm keeping my fingers crossed...hope I'm lucky this time. This is a book on my wishlist!
Congratulations on your first year of so many delicious treats. Your photos are inspiring! I'm looking forward to many more years of learning with you! Great giveaway!
One year down with many more to follow! Congratulations on you anniversary. Thanks for the giveaway
Best- Sandie
Found you space through via Daring Kitchen. Must say the pictures are really lovely. And that is a great giveaway you are doing. Btw, Congrats on the milestone. May you have many more such years of blogging.
Hi, congrats on getting here. I knew you would when we played around with this idea a few years ago. So, how about a 'molagootal' recipe?
Hi Arthi ,Congrats for a sucessful year of bloging.I have enjoyed the beautiful photos and recipies.The tiramisu recepie is my favourite one.
I'm a bit late showing here to send my congratulations on blogoversary - and does this mean you are going to be on the telly? How exciting! I will tune in as soon as I know it's on.
Well done on one year of your blog, your pictures are just getting better and better.
Congratulations! You've done so well in just one year.
Hi Arthi, Congratulations on your first year of successful blogging. May you grow more successful in years to come. I saw you speak so passionately about baking and I though this girl will go a long way. Keep up the good work.
Congratulations Arthi...there is no shortcut to success.i know about ur passion,commitment...hardwork.i wish very soon u r going to achieve so many heights...in this way god bless u with good health and goodluck.I like all ur recipies...can't choose few...suneela & shloka
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